How to Make Certificate in PowerPoint: A Simple Tutorial



Welcome to this step-by-step tutorial that will guide you to make certificates in Microsoft PowerPoint. PowerPoint, widely used for slide management, is also a preferred tool among many users for certificate creation. It offers several templates for certificates, along with basic functionalities that simplify the certificate creation process.

How to create a certificate in PowerPoint?

In this step-by-step tutorial, we will explore two primary methods for designing certificates in PowerPoint: utilizing templates and creating a certificate from scratch.

Method 1: Using Templates

Creating a certificate in PowerPoint using a template is straightforward and can yield impressive results. Here are the steps you need to follow:
Step 1: Open PowerPoint
notion image
Launch Microsoft PowerPoint on your computer. If you don't have PowerPoint, you can use the online version of Microsoft PowerPoint too.
Step 2: Choose a Certificate Template
Once PowerPoint is open, start a new presentation. You can do this by clicking on "File" and then selecting "New Presentation" or simply using the shortcut Ctrl + N (Cmd + N on Mac).
In the "New Presentation" dialog box, type "certificate" in the search bar and hit Enter. PowerPoint will show you a selection of certificate templates to choose from. Browse through the available templates and select the one that best suits your needs. Click on the template to open it.
                                                                         Editing Certificate in Powerpoint
Editing Certificate in Powerpoint
Step 3: Customize the Certificate Template
Now that your selected certificate template is open, it's time to customize it to make it your own.
  • Edit Text: Click on the text boxes within the certificate to edit them. You can change the recipient's name, the purpose of the certificate, the date, and any other text as needed.
  • Change Fonts and Colors: To change the font style and colors, select the text you want to modify, go to the "Home" tab, and use the font formatting options.
  • Insert Images or Logos: If your certificate design includes an image or a logo, you can insert it by going to the "Insert" tab and selecting "Picture" or "Image."
  • Adjust Layout: To move or resize elements on the certificate, click on the element you want to adjust and drag it to the desired position or resize it using the handles.
Step 4: Add Security Features (Optional)
Depending on the nature of your certificate, you can add security features to prevent forgery. Some standard security features include watermarks, seals, certificate numbers, and barcodes. These can be added using PowerPoint text boxes, shapes, or images.

Method 2: Using a Blank Document

                                                                  Blank Powerpoint Document
Blank Powerpoint Document
Step 1: Create a Blank PowerPoint Presentation
Launch Microsoft PowerPoint or download the app if you don't already have it. You'll have the option to start with a blank presentation. A white slide will appear once you select this option, ready for your customization.
  • At the top is the Menu, and on the right, you'll find the themes window, which you can close. On the left, you have a preview of your slides, including any new slides you add.
Step 2: Define and Type the Certificate Text
Now, let's define and type the text for your certificate. To insert text, click on the placeholders that say "Click to add a title" or "Click to add a subtitle."
  • If you wish to add a new text field, find the "Insert" option in the Menu. You'll see the letter 'A' on the left side in a rectangle. Clicking on this option will add a new text box. Carefully consider the content and placement of your text. For instance, you can use different fonts for emphasis and arrange elements to your liking. Ensure that text isn't too close to the edges to prevent cutoff during printing.
Step 3: Choose the Certificate Background
Next, select the background color for your certificate. You can choose from the available colors in PowerPoint and cover the entire slide.
  • To do this, navigate to the Drawing section in the Menu, choose a rectangle, and draw it to cover the slide's dimensions. Then, fill this rectangle with your chosen color. You can do this by going to the "Shape Format" tab, finding "Shape Styles," and selecting "Shape Fill." Alternatively, you can leave the background white.
Custom Certificate Design in Powerpoint
Custom Certificate Design in Powerpoint
Step 4: Add Design Elements
With the background and text in place, you can add design elements as desired.
Step 5: Save and Distribute
Finally, save your project by clicking on "File" and selecting "Save" or "Save As."
You can create a personalized and visually appealing certificate in PowerPoint by following these steps.

Disadvantages of PowerPoint Certificates

Creating certificates in PowerPoint might seem convenient due to its user-friendly interface and popularity. However, its limitations make it less than ideal for certificate creation. Here are some reasons why using PowerPoint for certificates may not be the best choice:
Limited Certificate Management:
  • PowerPoint lacks features related to managing digital certificates. You cannot track who has received certificates, who has opened them, or whether recipients have shared them on social media. PowerPoint treats certificates as standalone files on your computer, offering no tools for comprehensive management.
Time-Consuming for Bulk Certificates:
  • Creating certificates in PowerPoint can be time-consuming, particularly when sending certificates to multiple recipients. It can be tedious to type each recipient's name manually. PowerPoint lacks a feature that automates this process, making it less efficient for large-scale certificate distribution.
Not a Dedicated Certificate System:
  • It's essential to recognize that PowerPoint is not designed explicitly for creating certificates. A dedicated certificate creation system needs fundamental features like drop-down menus, pre-made certificate elements, ready certificate layouts, and styles.
Limited Certificate Templates:
  • While PowerPoint offers a few free certificate templates, the selection is limited. Moreover, these templates are often widely used, making them less unique for your purposes. This may require creating certificates from scratch or searching online for alternative certificate template designs.
Certopus offers a distinct advantage over PowerPoint when it comes to creating certificates. While PowerPoint is a versatile tool, it has limitations for certificate creation, especially in larger-scale operations. Here's how Certopus excels in comparison:
  • A rich library of professionally designed templates that you can customize with a few clicks
  • A simple and fast process of bulk generating and delivering personalized certificates to recipients via email
  • A secure and verifiable way of storing and issuing digital certificates that can be easily accessed, shared, and verified online
  • A powerful analytics tool that provides insights into the performance and impact of your certification campaign
If you’re ready to take your certification process to the next level, sign up for Certopus for free and get 50 free certificate credits to try out the service. Visit Certopus today and start creating impressive certificates in minutes!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I add a logo or seal to my certificate?
You can add a logo or seal by inserting an image. Use the "Insert" tab, select "Picture," and then browse for your logo or seal image on your computer. Resize and position it accordingly on the certificate.
How do I save my certificate as a PDF in PowerPoint?
To save your certificate as a PDF, go to the "File" tab, select "Save As," choose the location where you want to save the file, and select "PDF" as the file format from the drop-down menu.
How can I share the certificates in bulk and ensure the documents are secure?
The certificates can be uploaded to Google Drive using Google Workspace access once you're done creating them. You can limit access to certain email addresses from your Google Address Book, and Google Drive offers safe document sharing. Now all you have to do to ensure a seamless recipient authentication procedure is send the recipients the link.

Need More Information?

Schedule a demo to learn more about Certopus for your business use case, or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We would be delighted to assist you. Finally, if you're on social media, follow us to remain informed about our latest developments and learn more about digital credentials like certificates, badges, and micro-credentials.
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