How to Issue Digital Badges for Moodle Courses: A Complete Guide



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Moodle is a popular learning management system (LMS) that e-learning companies use to create and deliver online courses. One of Moodle's benefits is offering digital badges to students who complete specific activities or meet certain requirements. Digital badges are credentials that can be shown on social media, websites, or portfolios to demonstrate one's abilities and accomplishments. They can also provide learners who engage in online learning with recognition, motivation, and accreditation.
In this article, we will explain how to create and send digital badges with Moodle and an external tool called Certopus. Certopus is a web-based application that allows you to create, manage, and issue digital badges for your online courses. You can use Certopus to create badges that are compatible with Moodle and other platforms that support the Open Badges standard. You can also use Certopus to monitor and verify the badges you issue to your learners.

Limitations of Issuing Badges with Moodle

Some of the limitations of issuing badges with Moodle are:
  • Badges can only be awarded based on a limited set of criteria, such as manual issue by role, course completion, activity completion, previously awarded badges, and competencies.
  • Badges are not automatically pushed to external backpacks, such as Badgr, and users have to add them to their backpacks manually.
  • Badges are not easily shareable on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, and users have to rely on third-party services or plugins to do so.
  • Badges are not interoperable with other platforms or systems that support Open Badges, and users have to export and import them manually.
  • Badges are not customizable in terms of design, layout, or content, and users have to use the default badge image or upload their own.

How to create and send digital badges with Moodle using Certopus

To integrate Certopus with Moodle follow these steps:
Step 1: Login into your Moodle LMS account as Admin/Manager and go to the Site administration>Plugins >Activity Modules> External tools> Manage tools.
Step 2: Sign up for Certopus from
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Certopus demo/ tutorial
Step 3: Copy the install URL XML and paste it into the Tool URL Field. Now. Click on Add Legacy LTI to add the tool. The URL is
Step 4: Enter the Consumer Key and the Shared Secret provided by the Certopus in the Consumer Key and Shared Secret Field.
Step 5: Click Save Change to Install the App
Step 6: Ensure the Certopus App is visible under the Tools section.
Step 7: Go to your Course and click Add Activity or Resource. Make sure Edit mode is turned on.
Step 8: Select an external tool from the list of activities.
Step 9: Enter the name of the activity, and for the preconfigured tool, select Certopus from the drop-down menu. Then scroll to the bottom and click Save and display.
Step 10: Map the event and the recipient category of Certopus with your Moodle LMS course and save it.
Step 11: You have successfully integrated Certopus with Moodle LMS. Now, Students can earn Certificates and Badges for completing the course.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ )

How many different types of badges can you have on your Moodle site?
Badges are available in two designs. The first are site badges. These can be used throughout Moodle and are available for site-wide tasks such as finishing a collection of courses. Second, there are course badges, which are rewarded for specific course activities.
How do you set up badges in Moodle?
If your school's administrator has enabled the use of badges for your course, you, as a teacher, will have the ability to add and manage these badges. You'll find a link to the badge management section in your course settings under "Course navigation" by clicking on "More" and then selecting "Badges." This is where you can create, edit, and manage the badges for your specific course.
How do learners earn digital badges in Moodle courses?
Learners can earn digital badges by meeting specific criteria or achieving predetermined goals within the course. These criteria are set by course administrators or teachers, and they can include completing assignments, passing quizzes, or participating in discussions.

Need more information?

Schedule a demo to learn more about Certopus for your business use case, or if you have any questions, please contact us. We would be delighted to assist you. Finally, if you're on social media, follow us to remain informed about our latest developments and to learn more about digital credentials like digital certificates, digital badges, and micro-credentials.
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